Humans are adaptable.
We made it through the last ice age when a lot of other animals did not.
We’ve made it through all kinds of catastrophes - war, pestilence, genocide, natural disasters.
We are omnivores - we can eat just about anything.
Adaptability allows us to survive, which can be a wonderful thing. It also allows us to tolerate considerable suffering. Not so good.
We often talk about adverse circumstances becoming “the new normal,” and that is indeed what happens. We enter destructive relationships and adapt, rather than leave. We engage in painful activities and adapt, rather than find another way to accomplish our goals. We expose ourselves to excessive stimulation from drugs, porn, smartphones, gambling, and sugar, and we adapt. Our brains raise the baseline of “normal” to the point where we crave that stimulation above all else - family, work, recreation, etc.
Adaptability is a gift we must use wisely. We do this by allowing our survival brain to adapt, but not getting so activated with emotion that we shut down our rational, enlightened, brain. We need to think and ask the questions, “Does this make sense?” “Is this Connecting me to my higher power or disconnecting me?” “Am I adapting to survive or am I learning to thrive in new circumstances?”
We are living in a very stressful time and we are adapting by going numb, becoming jaded, and even craving more drama and stimulation. Let’s all get grounded and practice living in the moment. Ask, “Am I safe right here, right now?” “Am I turning my attention towards what is congruent with my chosen values?” “Am I living the Serenity Prayer?”
God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The Courage to change the things I can,
And the Wisdom to know the difference.
Be In Light,