Trauma & Grief Resolution
Grief and trauma can become frozen in a person’s mind and cause ongoing anxiety, nightmares, or eating disorders.

- How can I stop these nightmares?
- I was molested/abused.
- I can’t seem to get past losing my loved one.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a treatment protocol that can quickly minimize or eliminate disturbing thoughts and memories. This procedure uses bi-lateral brain stimulation to reprocess traumatic memories, leaving the memories intact, but no longer able to cause distress. This procedure has been used effectively to assist the victims of incest and sexual abuse, violence, combat, and grief. It is also an efficient technique for addressing phobias.
Practitioners of EMDR are licensed mental health professionals who have completed a comprehensive training course provided by approved trainers from the EMDR Institute. I have completed both Level I, Level II, and advanced training. I have successfully used this treatment with a significant number of my clients, some of whom were in therapy previously for months or even years. They were able to benefit dramatically after only two or three sessions!
One woman entered therapy due to depression. She could not mention her father without crying, although he had died 20 years previously. After only one EMDR session, she was able to remember her father with only warm feelings, no more tears. I also treated a recovering alcoholic who had previously been unable to remain sober because of an unresolved childhood sexual trauma. We were able to desensitize and process the trauma and he was finally able to remain in recovery. This treatment may be done in face-to-face sessions or via web video and significant results are possible within a short period of time.
Please call 305-891-1827 to make an appointment and allow me to help you drop the weight from the past .
To read what some people have to say about their EMDR experience, please see testimonials below.
To read more about the EMDR process, please click here.
For further information about EMDR, access the institute’s website at: