We are all Connected

Religions, science, and intuitive knowledge all carry one basic truth: we are all Connected. It is when we deny that Connection that we experience pain and distress. When we open ourselves to our Connections to each other & the Universe, we live in light.We are all Connected - Welcome

Dr Carol Clark

Dr. Clark is a counselor, a teacher, and an author. Because of her own spiritual journey, she is able to guide others as they grow and evolve on their life paths.Counselor, teacher, and author - Dr Carol Clark.

More about Dr Carol Clark

Recovery & Connection

Recovery is a way of life – a way to Connect with family and friends, a way to enjoy life each day. Recovery is about letting go of trying to control situations and taking control of one’s self.Addict America by Dr Carol Clark.

More about the Book

My Pocket Therapist

12 Tools for Living in Connection. Tools to use daily so you can live a more joyful and balanced life in Connection with your family and friendsMy Pocket Therapist by Dr Carol Clark.

More about the Book
  • 01
    Religions, science, and intuitive knowledge all carry one basic truth: we are all Connected. It is when we deny that Connection that we experience pain and distress. When we open ourselves to our Connections to each other & the Universe, we live in light.We are all Connected - Welcome
    We are all Connected
  • 02
    Dr. Clark is a counselor, a teacher, and an author. Because of her own spiritual journey, she is able to guide others as they grow and evolve on their life paths.Counselor, teacher, and author - Dr Carol Clark.
    Dr Carol Clark
  • 03
    Recovery is a way of life – a way to Connect with family and friends, a way to enjoy life each day. Recovery is about letting go of trying to control situations and taking control of one’s self.Addict America by Dr Carol Clark.
    Recovery & Connection
  • 04
    12 Tools for Living in Connection. Tools to use daily so you can live a more joyful and balanced life in Connection with your family and friendsMy Pocket Therapist by Dr Carol Clark.
    My Pocket Therapist


I am Dr. Carol Clark

I’d like to tell you a little about myself, because it is important for you to feel a sense of trust and Connection with me if we are going to work together. So first, my life in a nutshell:

I grew up in New Jersey (land of the best tomatoes in the world and Bruce Springsteen), then left to travel around the country, footloose and fancy free, for several years. I lived in Connecticut, Florida, Pennsylvania, and California and had jobs ranging from agricultural assistant (I have a bug named after me!) to bartender to bank teller to veterinary assistant.


During these years, I was also a house parent at a drug rehab and then, with my husband, worked for a private psychiatric facility where we lived with the patients as surrogate parents. It became increasingly clear to me that counseling was more than just another job, it is who I am, and so I returned to New Jersey to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Counseling.

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Addict America

Addict America

Is everyone I know an addict? Children are addicted to social media and video games. Their parents are addicted to money, oil and food. It seems we’re all addicts, author Dr. Carol Clark asserts in her new book “Addict America: The Lost Connection”, which presents a guide to transitioning from this addictive lifestyle to a more sustainable one.

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Sex Therapy Training Institute

Sex Therapy Training Institute

Welcome to the Sex Therapy Training Institute (STTI) website. We are pleased you have chosen to learn more about the finest, most comprehensive training programs available today.

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Addictions Therapy Training

Addictions Therapy Training

The Addictions Therapy Training Institute (ATTI) was created to train those individuals interested in becoming certified as addiction service providers.

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Clinical Sexology Phd

Clinical Sexology Phd

For people who want to make a difference. Go to the International Institute of Clinical Sexology (IICS) and take your clinical career to the next level - Earn your PhD in this exciting field!

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Are you feeling disconnected? Does your life feel out of control? Do you have concerns about sex? Relationships? I am a Board Certified Sex Therapist, Addictions Professional, and general Mental Health Counselor with more than 30 years experience helping individuals and couples who are struggling with loss of intimacy, compulsive behaviors, or a history of abuse.

I use cognitive-behavioral interventions, introducing tools and strategies that you can use immediately to implement positive change. I am certified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which is a very effective method of dealing with phobias, traumatic memories and disturbing thoughts, often in only a few sessions.

I’m happy to give you a 10 minute consult to see if we are a good fit. Call me now and let’s talk!


Dr. Carol Clark has been supporting and working with transgender individuals for over 30 years. She facilitated a counseling/support group in Fort Lauderdale, FL for 25 years.

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Trauma & Grief

Grief and trauma can become frozen in a person’s mind and cause ongoing anxiety, nightmares, or eating disorders.

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Sex Addiction

With more than 30 years’ experience helping individuals and couples who are struggling with loss of intimacy, compulsive behaviors, or a history of abuse. Call me now and let’s talk!

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Video Counseling

Online-Counseling works well for those clients who are not able to attend sessions in person. Please call or email to explore this option

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Books by Dr. Carol Clark


My Pocket Therapist: 12 Tools for Living in Connection

Therapy is great and can improve your life tremendously. It can also be time-consuming and expensive, and often what you learn in one hour a week is easily forgotten between sessions.MY POCKET THERAPIST contains simple tools to use daily so you can live a more joyful and balanced life in Connection with your family and friends. You will also experience a greater awareness of your Connection with the universal life force as you shift from being stuck in the past or worrying about the future to feeling grounded in the present.

Click here for the FREE chapter from My Pocket Therapist sent directly to your inbox.


Addict America: The Lost Connection

Based on the innovative premise that addiction is not limited to drugs or alcohol, but is truly about the over-the-top, out-of-control lifestyles that have detached Americans from each other and their spiritual Connections (with a capital “C”). Addict America: The Lost Connection uses simple, personal language to make the complexity of the condition and the human brain understandable. Focused on the systemic nature of the problem, this book is a tour de force of personal change, offering instruction on how addictions fracture Connections in daily life and then providing solutions on how to rebuild them from within for maximum effect.

Click here for a FREE chapter from Addict America sent directly to your inbox.


Why Does God Let This Happen: The Meaning of Life

The world is a scary place – wars, pandemics, crime – and it always has been. And we have always asked the question: “Why does God let this happen?” Hand in hand with that question is “What is the meaning of life?” What gives our lives purpose in the midst of suffering? What makes life worth living? Is there a heaven and hell? Is it all just science, or when we die, do we cease to exist? Dr. Clark answers these questions with one simple concept: Connection. She combines the biblical Genesis story with the Big Bang and makes sense of it all.

Click here for a FREE chapter from Why Does God Let This Happen: The Meaning of Life sent directly to your inbox.

Dr Carol Clark's Video channel

Below some of my featured videos. Please click here to visit my YouTube Channel

Intimacy by the Numbers

We need to recognize our fears and then take responsibility for them. We can make that decision to not bring the past into the present. Therapy can help with this. We can take the scary risk of being open to intimacy. We can believe that we are lovable. We can each choose to be a 10!

Intimacy and Connection in Recovery

As Dr. Clark conceptualizes in her book, Addict America: The Lost Connection, addiction is an unbrella concept that encompasses not only drugs or alcohol, but our behaviors related to sex, gambling, technology and anger.


Articles by Dr. Carol Clark

Ready to take the step?

Contact me today and make the change in your life. If it is to become a certified therapist or counselor, to overcome an addiction, take that step. I’m happy to give you a 10 minute consult to see if we are a good fit. Call me now and let’s talk!