Addiction Loves a Vacuum
You’ve heard the expression “Nature Abhors a Vacuum,” right? Basically, a vacuum, or empty space, cannot exist in nature. Something has to fill it. If you sucked all the air out of an enclosed space and then opened up a hole, air would be sucked right back in.
The same is true in our lives. When we say “I am not going to….. (take drugs, watch online porn, get angry) we create a vacuum. In the absence of anything else with which to fill that empty space, whatever it was we tried to remove from it will be sucked right back in. That is how Addiction Loves a Vacuum. No matter how hard we try to NOT do our addictive behavior, if we leave a vacuum, the addiction will fill it again.
So we need to frame our desires in a positive way. What do we want to do instead of our addiction? Pretty much everyone is able to do whatever they put their minds to, as long as it is framed concretely. “I will eat dinner with my family,” “I will go to a meeting,” or “I will take an hour-long yoga class.”
It is about Intention – the Intention to live in Recovery, the Intention to do those behaviors that are prosocial and health-promoting.
Start each day with an Intention for how you want your day to be, rather than how you do NOT want it to be.
Use the Intention for a Good Day from Addict America: The Lost Connection to make this day a good one!
The power of intention is strong indeed. Begin each day with this pledge:
This Day
Will be a good day
I will be present and mindful
I will smile at everyone
I will listen to others and understand their world
I will nurture myself with good food, exercise, and fresh air
I will be nurtured with hugs and smiles
I will trust in the good intentions of those who love me
I will send Light to anyone from whom I perceive harm
I will be the person I want to be
I will be Connected
Addict America: The Lost Connection can be found at Amazon.com.